Paul McCartney Beatles Photos unseen photographs revealed

Recently, Paul McCartney’s photos of The Beatles’ 1964 invasion have been surfacing over social media. We are here to rediscover the same and hence we will reveal the unseen photographs as well. You are required to read the entire article for more information. Follow us around for more insights. As the ‘final Beatles record’ is announced, personal photos of the band are revealed, chronicling an extraordinary time, as witnessed through the eyes of one man at the heart of it, writes Deborah Nicholls- Lee. An unprecedented exhibition, revealing for the first time – extraordinary photographs taken by Paul McCartney. In this show, we focus on portraits captured by McCartney, using his own camera, between December 1963 and February 1964, a time when The Beatles were catapulted from a British sensation to a global phenomenon. These never-before-seen images offer a uniquely personal perspective on what it was like to be a Beatle at the start of Beatlemania.

Paul McCartney Beatles Photos

Paul McCartney Beatles Photos

Paul McCartney used his Pentax camera the same way he used his guitar, with total freedom. In the early1964, the 21-year-old took his new camera. Perhaps, the most momentous musical journey of the 20th century, The Beatle’s invasion of America. Many of the photographs from that trip were recently rediscovered in McCartney’s archive. The images were collected in the new book, 1964, Eyes of the Storm will be on view later this month at the National Portrait Gallery in London. Additionally, he offered a tour of the exhibit to correspondent Anthony Mason.

Paul McCartney Beatles Photos

McCartney also explained the process and added that taking photographs is just looking for a shot. So, he aim the camera and just sort of see where he liked it, with that invariably one can take a picture. One picture was taken as the group arrived at the Deauville Hotel in Miami. However, The Beatles had started their trip in Paris and they got the telegram in Paris and posted number one in the US charts. In America, they played The Ed Sullivan Show where 73 million people tuned in and McCartney wrote that the moment was all hell breaks loose.

Paul McCartney Beatles Photos

Mason, confronted that to look at those pictures, it is meant that you are looking at the world, looking at you. One will get comfortable with it. McCartney captured the commotion on the streets around New York Plaza Hotel, and the crowd that chased them when they snuck out the side door. There were various pictures taken by McCartney that were on the move, including shots from his car of a policeman in Miami who would be pulled up next to him.

Paul McCartney Beatles Photos Paul McCartney Beatles Photos

Shreya Gupta

Contract Specialist with 3 years of experience in end-to-end Contract Lifecycle Management for clients with global and domestic operations.

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