NSW’s Rental Commissioner Trina Jones Will Help Renters & Advise The Government

The biggest surprise news is here. Finally, Trina Jones, the outgoing CEO of Homelessness NSW, has been named the first NSW Rental Commissioner. Currently, this news is the most trending news on Twitter right now. This news is viral on every social media platform. Jones, who will begin in the position on 7th August 2023, brings more than ten years of expertise in lobbying, research, and policy. As Jones stated, when she was appointed, her goal will be to give tenants’ voices more weight, so enhancing the strength of their rights and the fairness of the renting market. In their state, there are two million renters, and 36% of them are experiencing rental stress, with many at risk of being homeless, according to her. Scroll down to the next paragraph to know everything about this breaking news and please do not miss any single part of this article if you want to know about each and every single piece of detail of this trending topic.

NSW's Rental Commissioner Trina Jones

NSW’s Rental Commissioner Trina Jones Will Help Renters

As they jointly look for solutions to our housing difficulties, she looks forward to working closely and effectively with the state’s government, the business community, and renters across the board. According to the source, Jones has a history of developing collaborative impact strategies to address homelessness, according to Homelessness NSW. She oversaw the creation of the Homelessness Assertive Response Team (HART), the Emergency Response Protocol for People Sleeping Rough, and the Sydney 10-Year Homelessness Action Plan, all of which helped those who were homeless find long-term accommodation and support. Although they are sorry to see Trina go.

Trina Jones New Rental Commissioner

She is the ideal candidate for the position due to her more than 15 years of expertise in local government, housing, and homelessness, particularly her recent achievement in drafting the rental fairness bill, according to Homelessness NSW Board Chair David Fisher. They wish Trina the best of luck and they are excited to work with her as the state’s first Rental Commissioner, where she will continue to have a good influence.

Trina Jones

Amy Hains has been named the interim CEO of Homelessness NSW. She expressed excitement about working with the team, board, and industry to ensure everyone has a safe home and the support to keep it. So this was all about this article we have. PKB News has shared every single piece of information about this topic with you. Soon we are gonna share some more interesting and informative news on this same page, till then stay tuned to PKB news.

Prakash Israni

Prakash Israni Is a 'self-proclaimed' professional in the ITES industry for 20 years, though prefer being tagged as a novice and a learner.

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