Cop Arrests Cop For Speeding, Florida Cop Charged for Nearly Doubling Speed Limit in Cruiser

Breaking News: The Florida Cop has been arrested for nearly doubling the speed limit in Cruiser. After failing to provide his driver’s license and evading a traffic stop in his marked cruiser last week, an Orlando, Florida, police officer was detained and removed from duty. A marked SUV cruiser from the City of Orlando Police Department was speeding at 80 mph in a 45 mph zone on June 6 when a Seminole County Sheriff’s deputy saw it. When the SUV was spotted, the officer, who was looking the other way, rapidly turned around and started after the cruiser at a speed of over 100 mph. The deputy addressed the police about his speed after the cop stopped and turned on his emergency lights which weren’t turned on when the pursuit started.


Cop Arrests Cop For Speeding

Officer Alexander Shaouni eventually stopped, “What are you doing?” he questioned. “My man, she was leaving for work. Why are you attempting to stop her when she is driving to work? The deputy informs the officer that he was traveling almost twice as fast as was permitted. Shaouni dismisses the deputy’s remark and instead draws attention to his uniform, emphasizing once more that he was on his way to work when he was stopped.


Shaouni pointed to his vest, which was embroidered with his name and badge, and stated, “She was going to work.” “What does she appear to be dressed for?” The next step is to ask Shaouni for his driver’s license. He replies “no” when prompted to give the deputy his license. He then returns to his police car and drives away from the crime scene, leaving his car and badge number behind. The identity of the officer is plainly visible on the front of his police vest in bodycam footage of the event.

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Shaouni was ultimately detained after the incident and charged with careless driving, evading arrest, and non-violently resisting an officer. He was “relieved” of his duties while the Sheriff’s Department’s criminal investigation and an Internal Affairs inquiry were ongoing. The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office informed the Orlando Police Department on Friday, June 9 that OPD Officer Alexander Shaouni was engaged in a Seminole County incident that resulted in criminal charges, the OPD announced in a statement to local news source WESH. “Officer Shaouni has been relieved of duty while the OPD Internal Affairs investigation and the criminal investigation of the Seminole County Sheriff are ongoing.” So this was all about this case. So, Stay tuned to PKB news.

Prakash Israni

Prakash Israni Is a 'self-proclaimed' professional in the ITES industry for 20 years, though prefer being tagged as a novice and a learner.

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