Big Brother spoilers nominations and hoh: who won hoh on big brother tonight 2023?

The Big Brother 25 week 2 Head of Household has nominated two people for eviction, and that’s what we’re going to speak about here. Find out who will compete to continue playing the game next week. The second week of Big Brother 25 is becoming intense as two of the current Head of Household (HOH) Hisam Goueli’s fellow housemates have been nominated for eviction. Hisam’s victory in the second HOH competition of the season gave his alliance, The Professors, more influence. Hisam had already won the season’s first Power of Veto contest, making this a back-to-back victory for him. To learn more, keep reading the article.

Big Brother Spoilers Nominations and HoH

Big Brother Spoilers Nominations and HoH

According to the Big Brother 25 live feeds, Hisam nominated Reilly Smedley and Cameron Hardin for eviction as predicted. One of the most fierce competitors in Family Style, the opposite alliance to The Professors, Reilly served as HOH last week. Reilly, Cameron, Jag Bains, Blue Kim, Matt Klotz, America Lopez, Cory Wurtenberger, and Jared Fields make up Family Style. Jared Fields, along with his mother Cirie Fields, is playing both sides. The Professors had often highlighted Cameron as a target prior to the nominating event. Even Cirie had voiced optimism that Cameron would be sneaked in by Hisam.

There is still a Power of Veto competition to be held even though Reilly and Cameron are on the line. Hisam will always ensure the safety of The Professor’s alliance, no matter what. As a result, this week should be risk-free for Cirie, Felicia Cannon, Izzy Gleicher, Bowie Jane, Mecole Hayes, and Red Utley. Izzy agreed that Hisam, who also seemed to have faith in Jared, should be chosen as the Houseguests’ Choice for the veto challenge. Hisam intends to replace Reilly or Cameron with Matt if one of them wins the veto. Family Style questioned whether Cory would be the substitute candidate, though.

This week, Jag seemed to be safe because Jared chose Jag to go to the Nether Region after him, which in some way ensured Jag’s safety. This is interesting since, despite Jag’s warning that Reilly posed the greatest threat, Jared nevertheless dispatched Jag. Despite Blue’s prior assurance to Reilly that she would, Jag and Blue have also stated that it would hurt them to use the veto to spare Reilly. Jag and Blue agreed on a Final 2 arrangement. This is intriguing because both Reilly and Jag have a Final 2 contract. If Matt prevails in the veto, he has promised to save Reilly.

Neksha Gupta

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