Who Bought Epstein island? Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Islands Sold to Billionaire Investor

A piece of news is coming from social media platforms that Billionaire Stephen Deckoff has purchased Epstein Island for $60 million, which was half of the original price that was listed, which was half of the original price that was listed at first. This news is getting circulated on the web. Some people are saying that this is a rumor. Yes, various type of controversy is running. People are hitting the search engine to gain all the details about the news. Is this true? What is the entire matter? We will try to cover all the details of the news. Let’s continue the article.

Who Bought Epstein island?

Who Bought Epstein island?

According to the report, The two Caribean islands are named Little St. James and Great St. James. He is known as the founder of Black Diamond Capital Management, a private equity firm. S*x offender and financier Jeffrey Epstein was the original owner of the islands, he likely used them for his criminal activities for several years. The victim of Epstein claimed that they were raped and sexually accused in a mansion that was built on Little St. James. Several things remain to tell you about the news, which you will find in the next section of the article.

Epstein island

On the basis of the report, A press disclosed that  Stephen Deckof has plans to modernize the islands and build a luxury resort with 25 rooms that would contribute to the development of the entire alongside the preservation of the environment existing on the islands. A statement came from the press that a significant portion of the sale proceeds is being paid to the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands under a last-announced settlement agreement between the government and MR. Epstein’s estate. We will tell you all the details about the news.

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Epstein island

Furthermore, the multi-billionaire investor and co-founder. He is an amazing personality and is doing great and gaining a good reputation among people. Maybe he is known for his impressive financial prowess. He is a big name among people. People respect him for his work. Still, there’s more to his story than just his business acumen. We have used several sources to make this article for the readers. We have shared all the details about details. If we get any further details about the news, which we have fetched from other sources. If we get any further details we will tell you first at the same site. Stay tuned for more update.

Rashmi Mathur

Rashmi Mathur has 11 years experience in the entertainment industry and has excelled throughout her professional life.

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