What did Rashad Jamal do? Why is Rashad Jamal in Jail?

Recently, a name surfaced on the Internet which created a buzz. People are getting curious to know about this personality and for that, they are diving into several websites that claim to share the information on it. However, it is getting tough to get information on a single platform and that is why we are present here to share the information. If you are actively using social media, then you are surely encountering a name which developing your interest. Yes, you are right, we are talking about Rashad Jamal. Those who don’t know about him want to know who is he and why he is creating a buzz on the search giant.

Rashad Jamal

What did Rashad Jamal do?

This name might be new to you, but it is a well-known name in the spiritual world. He is famously known as “Divine Insight” on social media platforms. He is a self-proclaimed New Age prophet. His following on social media is pointing out his popularity. He is available on several social media platforms including TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. His fans recognized him for his role as a spiritual influencer and guide. Through his content, he shares his bizarre and unconventional beliefs among his followers.

Some of the strange beliefs attributed to Rashad Jamal include the aim that birds are drones controlled by the government, NBA players are synthetic robots, the government has the power and they can modify the weather. Due to his unconventional claims, he always gets brutally trolled on social media and many of his trollers even call him an attention seeker. The beliefs of Rashad Jamal come up to be broadly claimed as rubbish and lacking any factual or scientific basis. Many of his trollers believe that his presence on social media is primarily constructed around these unconventional ideas, which may develop interest among certain niche communities.

Besides, recently the rumors of his detaining started spreading like wildfire and many people are looking to know about it. Those who hate him are hoping this news to be true and those who have faith in his belief want this news to be fake. Sadly, this news is true and he is presently behind the bar. The self-proclaimed is detained in Georgia because of serious criminal charges. This news is quite shocking to his several followers and they are more shocked after learning the charges. The report states the reason behind his incarceration is due to child abuse. Another charge made upon him is cruelty to children in the 1st degree.

Sarika Das

Copywriting, Content Strategy, Ghostwriting, Editing, Blogging, Public Speaking, Email Marketing, Technical Writing, Writing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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