WATCH: Tan Chuan-Jin apologises to Jamus Lim for using unparliamentary language caught on mic

In recent news, it was reported that the speaker, Tan Chuan-Jin apologizes to WP’s Jamus Lim for using ‘unparliamentary language’.The incident was caught on a hot mic. You are required to read the article for more details and information. Follow us around for all the insights and fresh updates at the PKB News.

Tan Chuan Jamus Lim

Tan Chuan-Jin apologises to Jamus Lim

Recently, it was reported that a speaker, Tan Chaun-Jin apologizes to WP’s Jamus Lim for using ‘unparliamentary language’ caught on a hot mic. On July 11, Tuesday, the speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin apologized for using unethical language in his reaction to a speech made by Worker’s Party Member of Parliament (MP) Jamus Lim. The viral video got circulated on social media and is shared by several users. In the video, Mr. Tan can be heard muttering the words f****** populist after Professor Lim’s speech, before calling on MP Vikram Nair to respond. Continue reading for more details.

Mr. Tan wrote that when he listens to speeches that are made for everyone, he does form many certain views on them. He said that those were his private thoughts which he muttered to himself and not to anyone. Reportedly, Associate Professor Lim, who is MP for Sengkang GRC, had been speaking about the need for an official poverty line to help the poor and needy, disadvantaged people of Singapore, advocating for equal opportunities for education, healthcare, and employment for all. Mr. Tan said that he has apologized to Associate Prof Lim for his remarks, which the latter has kindly accepted.

It was believed that in a comment, Prof. Lim has indeed called Mr. Tan and embraced his apology. In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Singapore national runner Soh Rui Yong commented on the incident, saying that people have sent him video clips due to Mr. Tan’s other role as the president of the Singapore National Olympic Council. Previously, Soh had been dismissed from the 2023 Asian Games after he made disparaging and derisive remarks about others in the public domain. The details of those remarks were not made public by SNOC. In a post, SOH said that it appears that TCJ is doing it to voice his disagreement with an opposition member of Parliament.

Notably, in September 2021, Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan apologized to Progress Singapore party, Non-constituency member of Parliament, Leong Mun Wai for calling him ‘illiterate’ and questioning his educational skills.

Shreya Gupta

Contract Specialist with 3 years of experience in end-to-end Contract Lifecycle Management for clients with global and domestic operations.

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