Zelda Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower: How to unlock Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower?

Here’s how you can unlock Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower in the Zelda, Tears of Kingdom. You are required to read the article for learning the same. Follow us around for all the insights and continue reading for all the details. Unlocking Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower in ‘The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’ is probably the most frustrating Skyview Tower location in the entire game. This is because the characters involved give you terrible advice and the clues you receive are vague at best and deliberately misleading at worst. Once completed though, it gives you a great base to explore the rest of West Necluda and beyond. Here’s what you need to know.

Zelda Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower
Image: Nintendo Life

Zelda Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower

To access the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower, you need to go into the Sahasra Slope Cave beneath the tower and use your Asscend power to bypass the locked door from below. As you approach the tower, you speak to Billson, the unhelpful Rito mechanic charged with fixing the Tower. While discussing the caves below the tower, he specifically mentions that he’s hungry and used to go mushroom hunting in them during construction. After gaining access to the Sahasra Skyview Tower has nothing to do with mushrooms or his hungry stomach, so don’t be misled into thinking he wants you to bring him in some yummy mushrooms from the canvas as a snack.

Zelda Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower
Image: Nintendo Life

Instead, you must drop down the hill and enter the caves. You will witness a rock hammer handy and smash your way through the cracked rocks, bearing over to your right. Luckily, if you’re short on rock-smashing equipment several rusty claymores and other two-handed weapons will drop from inside the rubble to replenish your supply. There will be a lot of rocks to remove here, but on your right side, you will uncover a secret passage in the wall which leads to a small cavern. Just below the Skyview Tower, there are two cave entrances — to the northwest and southeast. This small tunnel system under the cave is what you want to get to, and you should only need to drop down one level. Be careful as you may be attacked by a Battle Talus.

Zelda Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower
Image: Nintendo Life

Equip your hammer/boulder weapon/use bombs to make your way through the cave system. There are tons of rocks, so keep smashing them down. You want to find an enclosed area that’s covered by a boulder — at around the coordinates 1343, 1178, 0131. When you’re in this cave, use Ascend and you should pop your head out of the floor of the tower. Hop out, and activate the terminal to fix the tower. Lastly, use the map to line yourself up underneath the building, then use your Ascend power inside the cavern and you will pop out inside the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower.

Zelda Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower
Image: Nintendo Life
Zelda Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower
Image: Nintendo Life

Shreya Gupta

Contract Specialist with 3 years of experience in end-to-end Contract Lifecycle Management for clients with global and domestic operations.

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