Fact check: Is Tabish Hashmi quit Hasna Mana Hai? rumors hoax trending

Recently, a story about popular show host and comedian Tabish Hashmi quitting his adored comedy program Hasna Mana Hai went viral on the internet. Everyone in the public is surprised when they learn about this news, and they immediately begin searching online for further information. They all use the internet to find out whether the news that is going viral is accurate or not. So, for the benefit of our readers, we have provided information on this trending story in this post. To learn more, continue reading the article.

Tabish Hashmi Hasna Mana Hai

Is Tabish Hashmi quit Hasna Mana Hai?

On Thursday, rumors started to spread on various WhatsApp groups and social media platforms that Tabish Hashmi, a well-known stand-up comedian and program host, had been replaced by Geo News with the comedy show “Hansna Mana Hai.” This program had a good audience and was hosted by Tabish Hashmi for Geo News for the previous two years. However, Tabish Hashmi has reportedly been fired, according to this article. It was reported that the renowned comedian, actor, and host Ahmed Ali Butt would be hosting this program in the future. Reliable sources claim that this news is accurate and that it is not a fake or social media prank.

Tabish Hashmi Hasna Mana Hai

Here is a little introduction of the famed comedian for people who are unfamiliar with him before presenting further information about this topic. Karachi-based Tabish Hashmi is a graduate of that city’s illustrious university. It is also stated that he is a citizen of Canada. With the help of his YouTube humor shows, Tabish Hashmi became well-liked among young people. He carried on with his stand-up comedy show “Dil Phaink Stock” and then presented a chat show called “To Be Honest” on Nashpati Prime where he spoke with a number of famous people from the entertainment industry. It is believed that because of this show, Geo News approached him to host “Hansna Mana Hai.”

The primary program on Geo News is presently hosted by Tabish Hashmi, who has come under fire on social media. The main issue with Tabish Hashmi was the improper and frequently vulgar language he used in his humorous remarks. On Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp groups, many people voiced their disapproval and questioned how such coarse language could be used on a family channel. Additionally, Hashmi was the subject of numerous complaints to PEMRA (Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority). According to reports, PEMRA had already warned Geo News about the program’s offensive and indecent content.

Neksha Gupta

I'm your storyteller, content confidante, and copywriter who loves to churn out your 'ex'-factor.

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