Project Coyote Belleville Arrests: 12 charged as part of Project Coyote

Looks like arrest news is becoming common news to hear. We are constantly hearing the arrest news one after another in fact this might be 5th or 6th news that is relating to the arrest. The graph of crime in the entire world is not taking the name to get decreased in fact it has been constantly increasing. Now one such arrest news has surfaced on the web that instantly grabbed our attention and people want to know about it. You all also came here after watching chaos on the web after learning about the arrest news of more than 26 people in Canada.

Project Coyote Belleville Arrests

Project Coyote Belleville Arrests

According to the reports, on Thursday, 23rd February 2023, the Ontario Provincial Police states that more than 26 people have been charged after a 13-month probe into the trafficking of controlled substances and deadly weapons in southern Ontario. Now this news has become an interesting topic to discuss on the web. People are keen to know about it and search for more information about it. The OPP stated that 3 associates of the Hells Angels motorcycle club and 3 associates of the Red Devils motorcycle club were among those detained in the probe. This probe is called as “Project Coyote” and the OPP stated that more than 2 dozen people were facing serious charges.

Project Coyote Belleville Arrests

Paul Mackey, the OPP Chef Supt, released the statements in which he state that “2 criminal groups were recognized as managing a drug trafficking network that located in the Belleville-Quinte West area.” He further added that those groups were listed in the list of Greater Toronto Area street members of the motorcycle clubs and gangs. The reports stated that the joint operation and investigation started in the month of January 2022 that included the Provincial Operations, the Belleville Police Service, Crime Enforcement Bureau, and the Toronto Police Service.

Project Coyote Belleville Arrests

Mackey stated, “A prominent amount of illegal drugs, including 6 kilos of methamphetamine, 16 kilos of cocaine, and more than 1 kilogram of fentanyl were captured. Other than that, more than  $370,000 in the form of Canadian currency emanating from the proceeds of crime.” He further added that cops also captured more than 12 firearms, including 3D-printed and stolen firearms, and one live ammunition, body armor, 10 vehicles, and jewelry whose worth is more than $150,000.  The OPP stated after seizing all these things, the 100s of charges were laid in the probe connecting to the trafficking or supplying of firearms and drugs, possession and conspiracy of property obtained by crime, and criminal groups. The investigation is still going on and more charges will be laid against them.

Sarika Das

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