Who is Pravesh Shukla, Bjp Worker Caught On Camera Urinating On Tribal Man?

A new viral shocking video is trending on the internet. A video that went viral showed Pravesh Shukla, a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), urinating on Dashmat Rawat, a 36-year-old tribal man, in a horrifying act that has drawn worldwide indignation and condemnation. On Wednesday, July 5, the district government demolished a portion of the home of the accused, Pravesh Shukla, less than 24 hours after a video of a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) official peeing on a tribal man in Madhya Pradesh’s Sidhi district went viral on social media.

Pravesh Shukla

The episode calls attention to not just the despicable actions of one person but also raises concerns about the larger problem of respect for disadvantaged groups in society. Dashmat Rawat was there when the event, which was caught on camera, happened. A group of witnesses witnessed Pravesh Shukla, who is well-known for his connection with the BJP, urinating on Dashmat Rawat while they looked on in horror and disbelief. The video swiftly gained popularity on social media sites, setting up a nationwide uproar and criticism.

pravesh shukla bjp worker

Pravesh Shukla Urinating On Tribal Man

Rightfully, the event sparked a wave of fury among voters, activists, and politicians. In any civilized culture, such an obvious act of human degradation and contempt for another person’s dignity is inexcusable. Social media has been used by users to voice their anger and call for appropriate punishment to be done against Pravesh Shukla for his despicable actions. The issue surrounding the incident has grown much hotter due to Pravesh Shukla’s BJP membership. As a significant political force in India, the BJP is accountable for upholding moral and ethical principles and ensuring the welfare of all citizens. Quickly distancing themselves from the episode, the party’s leadership denounced Shukla’s behavior and assured the public that the proper disciplinary measures would be taken against him.

This incident calls into question how underprivileged groups, particularly indigenous populations, are treated in society. It serves as a sharp reminder of the biases and discrimination these people still experience, underscoring the essential need for more social awareness, education, and sensitivity. Pravesh Shukla needs to face fast and severe punishment as a result of the occurrence. His immediate expulsion from the party, legal action against him, and a formal public apology to Dashmat Rawat are all demands made by the public.

Pravesh Shukla Urinating On Tribal Man

Pravesh Shukla, a BJP member who was filmed urinating on Dashmat Rawat, was involved in the shocking event, which has rightfully provoked indignation and condemnation across the country. This tragedy must serve as a wake-up call to confront the systemic biases and discrimination that disadvantaged populations experience, not be dismissed as an isolated incident.

Prakash Israni

Prakash Israni Is a 'self-proclaimed' professional in the ITES industry for 20 years, though prefer being tagged as a novice and a learner.

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