Who Is Niña Ruiz Abad? Church starts process to make 13-year-old Ilocano girl saint

Niña Ruiz Abad of Sarrat, Ilocos Norte is a candidate for sainthood as part of a larger initiative to name contemporary Filipino saints who will serve as role models for Catholics in the twenty-first century. The general populace uses the internet to learn more about this topic. Everyone is interested in learning more about this topic, but they are also interested in learning about Ilocos Norte because she is currently trending online. Our readers can learn more about this topic here in this article. To learn more, read the rest of the article.

Niña Ruiz Abad

Who Is Niña Ruiz Abad?

She is a saint, he thought to himself, the young priest. Father Danny Pajarillaga, a Catholic priest at the time, recalls meeting Niña Ruiz Abad for the first time in 1993 when he was just 29 years old. Pajarillaga noticed Abad, the son of a Catholic attorney who was a Divine Mercy devotee, while he was working in his first parish, Jesus Lord of Divine Mercy in Mapayapa Village 1, Quezon City. She was quite prim and proper, usually dressed in spotless white, silent, and always prepared to smile benignly at everyone. She was extremely focused, adored the Eucharist, and devoted more time to prayer than kids her age did, Pajarillaga recounted.

Thirty years after making this first impression on her parish priest, Abad, a 13-year-old girl from Sarrat, Ilocos Norte, is finally on the verge of sainthood. The Ilocano girl who passed away in 1993 from an irreparable heart condition has begun the arduous journey to sainthood, according to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) press service on Wednesday, July 19. The request to start the process for Abad’s sainthood was approved by the CBCP at its 126th plenary assembly, which took place from July 8 to July 10. At their biennial plenary in Kalibo, Aklan, the Catholic bishops of the Philippines assembled, and Laoag Bishop Renato Mayugba submitted the sainthood cause to them all.

A person is deemed a saint by the Catholic Church if they led a good life, were martyred, or were able to perform the necessary number of miracles, which convinced the Church that they were now in paradise. The Catholic Church “canonizes” a person once all the prerequisites have been met, which entails that person being added to the “canon” or list of recognized saints. When someone is canonized, they are able to pray to God on behalf of the living and become an example for the world’s roughly 1.4 billion Catholics.

Neksha Gupta

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