Who Is Matthew Garrett Millbrae? Taylor Middle School Teacher Arrested for sexual assault of student

Sad to share one more piece of similar news of se*ual misconduct inside the school premises. As usual, a teacher has been apprehended in this case, making everyone furious. One after another many cases has been coming forward which showing many teachers are getting involved in such crimes and they are getting worried for students and their safety. This time as well, a 6th grade has been detained for reportedly se*ually assaulting students. That means not one or two but he has assaulted several students and looks like finally, his crime come to an end.

Matthew Garrett Millbrae Taylor Middle School Teacher Arrested

Who Is Matthew Garrett Millbrae?

Whoever hears his case want strict action against him so that other will take a lesson. Keep on reading to know more. As per the latest report, a teacher who worked at Millbrae middle school was apprehended on Thursday, 20th April 2023. He was arrested in connection with se*ual assault of pupils and this news is officially confirmed by the office of the County Sheriff. The accused identified as 54 years old, Matthew Garrett. The report states that he is accused of se*ually assaulting and touching young pupils from the year 2007 to 2022.


The investigators who are looking into this matter stated that they got to know the news of s*ual assault on 24th February 2023. SMCSO deputies instantly responded to the school which is located at 850 Taylor Blvd, at around 05:00 PM for the alleged se*ual assault of the pupil. After getting to know about the accusation, the accused was put on administrative leave as per stated by SMCSO. A probe disclosed that the assault happened between the month of November 2021 and Marc 2022.

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Taylor Middle School Teacher Arrested

While the office of the sheriff probed the assault, investigating officers get to know that there are other victims as well who became the prey of his crime. There are many juvenile sufferers who are looking for justice. SMCSO states that they asserted they were touched badly and inappropriately between the years 2007 and 2022. After the incident was reported, Garrett was apprehended at his San Francisco residence. The reports states that he was booked into the Maguire Correctional Facility on 10 counts of se*ually molesting a child under 14 years old and also he is being held on a $ 5 million bail.


San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus states that “Teachers are caretakers entrusted with our kids, in order to aid protect and safeguard them while they are at school. What this suspect is accused to have done to pupils in his care is abhorrent and runs away in the face of everything good. These are tough cases to probe but our office is committed to safeguarding and serving the children of our community.”

Sarika Das

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