How to Make a Free Website with 1000+ Templates

With the advent of Digitalization, running e-business, online gaming, and blogging has become common nowadays. Whether a large scale or a small scale businessman, they are heavily interested in making their company available in a few clicks over the internet to approach more clients for their services, thereby enhancing profit margin.

So, operating online, in this globalized world is the need of the hour to become successful in a shorter span of time.
But creating an online presence requires a lot of time, and massive efforts backed by large amounts of finance, which of course is very difficult for small scale enterprises to achieve.

To this, Googiehost brings a golden opportunity to all the developing startups, bloggers and innovative entrepreneurs, who are troubled by heavy requirements of funds to start a website for creating online presence, with a Free Website builder.

We believe that instead of hiring expensive website developers and paying them unnecessarily extra by draining your pocket eventually, it is better to go for a free website builder.

What is a Free Website Builder?

A free website builder comes to rescue the small businesses that face a meager budget by providing them the opportunity to build their website absolutely for free with zero cost required not involving coding or any sort of complex technicalities required to create a website.

Benefits of Making a Free Website with 1000+ Templates

Several templates, that happen to be pre structured pages highly customized to display the information that the user is trying to show to its clients to gather more attention to the website, are even provided by free website builders to ensure proper display of the users information about the services provided.

A free website builder with 1000+ templates can benefit the users, especially the startups to impress more clients and to add them on board, are as under:

  • Influence the overall performance of the business by making your website appealing to clients.
  • No cost required to run business online. Highly beneficial for startups and users running small scale businesses.
  • Increase in the number of clicks also ensures greater outputs giving rise to profit margin as well.
  • Reduces human effort and doesn’t involve any kind technical skills mitigating the amount of time consumption with no cost incurred.

With so many website builders out there providing free of cost website creation outnumbered with fruitful merits, the question that makes us curious is how to choose the perfect website builder that provides website creation service for free. Let’s read further to know your virtuous choice.

How to Choose the Right Platform for Free Website Creation

Choosing the right party to provide a website creating service that also for free is very crucial. We believe that in today’s commercial scenario, saving time and effort holds the key to success rather than saving money.
Even though there are a gamut of website builders available online, they are rather more complex in configuration resulting in time consumption which can prove unhealthy for any startup or small scale business.
So, we need to keep the following factors in mind to help us choose the best website builders available online:

One that provides free and simple Drag and drop options eliminating the requirement of any Coding/Programing skills to design your own website.

  • Allows you to Park your own custom Domain for FREE
  • Offer SSL Certificate & other security features
  • Should be easy to configure by enabling simple functions to include text, audio and video to make your website look appealing.
  • Website provider that offers extensive apps like google maps, image galleries to help create an amazing website.
  • Diverse themes availability add a cherry on top of your process of website creation.

Googiehost, a free website builder, perfectly suits all the factors listed above unequivocally. It not only provides 1000+ templates to make your website appealing and user friendly but also offers 40+ incredible widgets with an easy to use interface, giving amazing level playing opportunities to startup businessmen for approaching numerous customers from all over the globe.

Once you decide to use Googiehost, with amazing Website building features and being available at a zero cost on other hand which hardly any website builder might be ever able to provide, let us dive in further to understand the manner in which you can easily approach the web building services from Googiehost.

How to make a Free Website with Googiehost SitePad Free Website Builder?

With Googiehost SitePad Free Website Builder, creating an applauding website to attract heavy traffic, will become a piece of cake. Here are the ways to create your website:

  • Scroll further down to press the Create Website With SitePad option.

  • Now press the start for a free option to initiate the website creation process.

  • As you press the Start for free option, click the Proceed with Free button.

  • On clicking the proceed with free , you ‘ll be required to tap Use a SubDomain from Googiehost option. Then you need to enter to create a domain name for free. Click the check option to proceed further.

  • As you click check button> 1) Mark the Bullets for security reasons and then> 2) Press the Checkout option

  • On clicking the checkout button > 1) Enter your personal details > 2) Tap your preferred payment medium and don’t forget to tap the checkbox to Agree to the Terms of Service > 3) and Finally click the Complete Order option.

  • As soon as you press the Complete order option > 1) you’ll receive a unique ticket number for your order place. If in case you have doubts related to your order, you can raise your query using the responsive support ticket system provided by Googiehost.
  • 2) Joining telegram option has also been provided by Googiehost to enable users to get quick assistance in case of requiring instant activation and also receive quick notification about the latest hosting deals. Launched by Googiehost.

  • A confirmation message is also received in your registered email id.

  • On activation of your order, login to your client area and > press the service option provided in your dashboard.

  • On pressing the service option, press the Go to Panel Tab > to login to your cPanel account.

  • Click the Log in to cPanel option to proceed further.

  • After logging into your cPanel > press the WordPress Manager by Softaculous option provided at the left corner of your display in the menu bar.

  • Now Press the SitePad Website builder caption provided under the Search option to get started with its installation procedure.

  • Press the Get Started button beside the View plans option.

  • Before the final step required for installation, you need to press the Install Now button.

  • Type your registered email id to get all your installation details before finally pressing the Install button.

  • On Pressing the Install option, the installation process initializes and on completion, you can easily make relevant configuration to make your website more attractive.

So, here we are with a website, created using the FREE WEBSITE BUILDER WITH SITEPAD, that is only provided by none other than Googiehost.

Were you asked for any premium while creating the website? The answer to this is a simple, No.

Since now we have made your puzzling and high-priced task easy and totally free, by showing you how you can create and explore your website for free with no cost required to be incurred, let’s discuss how you can design your website to help you reach more clients enabling you to run your e-business efficiently.

Tips for Designing an Engaging Website

The biggest challenge that any businessman planning to run an online business faces, is designing a website that is easy to understand, comprehensive and engaging as well. So to make it simple for you, we have listed the following points you need to keep in mind while drafting a website for yourself.

  • Make sure your HomePage is simple and attractive enabling users to understand the introductory information of your website easily.
  • Use different templates provided by the ⦁ Website Builder for different web pages depending upon the nature of content added to it.
  • Don’t make your web pages entangled with a variety of elements just with the idea to beautify your pages. It looks nothing but messy. Believe us, the more simple and colorful your web pages look, the more attractive it becomes.
  • Use client-friendly fonts for the texts displayed on your web pages to help them understand with just a single read.
  • As nowadays, smartphones are used enormously, make sure your website has a mobile friendly interface, in order to help your clients to connect with you even via smartphones.
  • Make your web pages easily navigable to your clients.
  • Lastly, Add your contact details and social media plugins to enable your customers to reach you via various mediums ensuring social bees to contact you for your services.


When you keep the quality of services that you receive, as your priority, the cost that you bear to buy it doesn’t pinch you at all. But what if we say that not only you’ll get the best of services you’ve desired for but also you won’t even have to pay a penny to buy it. It would sound heavenly, Wouldn’t it?

So lastly, as a writer of this article, we want to convey that if a person is wanting to achieve greater heights by making a healthy online presence, with budget constraints, he can blindly go for Googiehost free website building service, using which you can not only draft your website totally free of cost but also use vibrant features and extensively attractive 1000+ templates that can help you get nice amount of traffic on your website.

In short, we could say that using googiehost, you can create a website with NO COST and achieve MAXIMUM TRAFFICS in your website.

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