Ian Watkins Arrest: Lostprophets singer jailed for horrific sex crimes

Shock waves are coming from HM Prison Wakefield where famous musician Ian Watkins was held after getting found guilty as charged. For the unversed, the Lostprophet singer Ian Watkins is a convicted child s*x offender. After the conviction, the singer was held at the HM Prison Wakefield. But the singer was not safe even inside the prison as an inmate stabbed him severely. Yes, the singer is currently fighting for his life. Since this news broke out, people have been left stunned and shocked. Being a renowned singer always millions of people keep an eye on Ian Watkins’s activities although he was in prison. They were left completely stumbled when they heard that an inmate of Ian Watkins stabbed him severely at the HM Prison Wakefield. Let’s delve deep into the details and discuss what actually happened behind bars. Do you know why was Ian Watkins arrested? Also, learn this. Swipe down the page.

Ian Watkins Arrest

Ian Watkins Arrest

According to the New York Post, the incident happened on Saturday, August 5, 2023. In the early hours of Saturday morning, the Lostprophet singer was found with stabbing injuries by the prison officials. Eventually, the singer was rushed to a hospital. He was in critical condition when he was admitted to the hospital. Reports also suggested that the inmate who stabbed the singer also held him hostage at the HM Prison Wakefield. Now the singer is battling for his life. Know why was Ian Watkins arrested in the next section. Scroll down.

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It was 2012 when police arrested Ian Watkins in connection with the child s*x allegations. He was accused of s*xually abusing children and ended up convinced of the child s*x. He was sentenced to 29 years in prison in 2013. This is why Ian Watkins was arrested for. Mirror stated that Ian Watkins was stabbed several times by three inmates until he was rescued by the officials of the prison. Continue reading this article for more details.

The three inmates beat him brutally. Sources have claimed that the singer was a target for some time but the inmates were looking for the right time. When fewer staff was in the prison, the inmates beat and held hostage. He was taken away six hours after the three inmates started attacking him. A spokesperson for the prison stated, “Police are investigating an incident which took place on Saturday at HMP Wakefield.” Stay tuned to this website for more details and further updates.

Amzad Khan

Content writer with more than 12+ years of experience in SEO writing, blog writing, and copywriting

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