Genshin Impact Voice Actors Say They Haven’t Been Paid In Month: Check Why?

The Chinese video game studio miHoYo created and released the action role-playing game Genshin Impact. For a number of platforms, including Windows, PlayStation 4, iOS, and Android, it was made available in September 2020. Players assume the role of the “Traveler,” a character looking for their missing brother, in the fantasy setting of Teyvat. It is the biggest and most successful video game of the current time. It is made tens of millions of dollars a month publisher and developer miHoYo. But as per the reports, some voice actors in this game are claiming that they haven’t got their money for some past months. let see check out the truth behind this allegation in this article now. Genshin Impact Voice Actors Say They Haven’t Been Paid In Month: Check Why?

genshin impact voice actors

Genshin Impact Voice Actors Not Been Paid

The open world of Teyvat, which is separated into various parts, is explored by players in Genshin Impact. Each of these regions has its own distinct wildlife, civilizations, and scenery. A real-time battle system in the game enables players to swap between several characters with various elemental powers. As of right now, the game has seven elements: Anemo (wind), Geo (earth), Electro (electricity), Hydro (water), Pyro (fire), Cryo (ice), and Dendro (nature). The usage of elemental reactions is one of the primary gameplay elements in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Voice Actor

Players may unleash potent elemental reactions that cause more damage to foes or have a variety of other effects by mixing different elements. In addition, the game has features for solving puzzles and a Gacha system for unlocking new characters and weapons. Due to its visually attractive universe, varied cast of characters, and extensive gameplay, Genshin Impact has experienced substantial growth in popularity. Now scroll down to the next paragraph to know about the allegations.

Genshin Impact Voice Actors not getting paid

On 12th July 2023, Two voice actors named Brandon Winckler, and Corina Boettger have given a voice in Genshin Impact. They both posted a tweet in huge frustration. They both claimed in a tweet that for some past month, Genshin Impact hasn’t paid them their salary. Corina has voiced the popular NPC Paimon and Brandon has given a voice to some different minor characters in the RPG. Brandon has clarified that he has sent a total of 5 emails to miHoYo. He asked them for the money, but they didn’t give any response to those emails. He has waited for almost 4 months for his paycheck. He said that miHoYo has made billions from this project. They are gonna complain against miHoYo now. Stay tuned to pkb news.


Prakash Israni

Prakash Israni Is a 'self-proclaimed' professional in the ITES industry for 20 years, though prefer being tagged as a novice and a learner.

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