Sumter Coaches Arrested, private school coach charged for alleged inappropriate texts

Another sad news has come forward which will make your blood boil. One more teacher has been arrested for se*ual misconduct. Such news is now becoming too common to hear but every time it makes us think that now even schools are not safe for our kids. School is the place where we learn the value of education and get a path for our careers. After the house, the school is considered the safest place but such sick teachers are ruining the environment of the school and ruining the reputation of this holy profession. Now looking at the latest matter, law enforcement officers have detained a high school coach who is facing charges of se*ual misconduct with a minor.


Sumter Coaches Arrested

Now this news has gone viral and made people find more details of it and want to know about the accused and what action the police are planning to take against him. As per the reports, the accused is the head coach at a Sumter County high school. He is arrested in connection with se*ual misconduct of a teen and other charges. The office of Sumter County Sheriff states that get a report that Crestwood High School Girls Basketball Coach, Tony Wilson, 54-year-old, harassed and se*ually assaulted 2 juvenile pupils.

Crime Scene

After the incident was reported, the Sumter County School District placed the accused on administrative leave after the reports and started a probe. Detectives state Wilson was apprehended after a comprehensive probe determined the honesty of the case and the safety of the pupils. The police department further states that there were also extensive efforts in order to make sure any other sufferers were recognized. The accused is begin charged with 3rd-degree assault and battery, criminal s**ual conduct with the teen, unlawful dissemination of obscene material to an individual under the age of 18, and 2 counts of criminal solicitation of the teen.


The reports state that the accused surrendered himself to the police department and was transported to the Detention Center of the Office of Sumter County Sheriff where he was later released from the jail on a $75,000 surety bond. This news has stirred social media platforms and people are demanding strict against him and want the police to set an example for other people who are involved in such crimes. This news is really horrible to hear and now it is high time to make the punishment more strict so that criminals think twice before committing crimes. At this moment, we have this many details about this case but we are hoping to get more information regarding it.

Sarika Das

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