Who Is Julie? Missing Persons Streaky Bay, Queensland mum disappearance from South Australia

The family pleaded for Queensland mum missing in South Australia and is saddened by the whole incident. Reportedly, the police are searching for a Queensland woman who is missing in Streaky Bay, South Australia. Read the article further to know about the complete details of the case and follow us around for all the insights. It was reported that the woman was last seen on Sunday. Continue reading for the same.

Julie Missing Persons Streaky Bay
(SA Police)

Who Is Julie? Missing Persons Streaky Bay

The urgent search is ongoing for search for the missing mother-of-three continues in South Australia, with emergency services expanding the investigation area. Julie, who is from Queensland, was last seen at about 5 pm on Sunday, May 7 in Streaky Bay after disappearing while on holiday with her husband in the state’s Eyre Peninsula. The search area has now been expanded to the area surrounding Streaky Bay Airport after an exhaustive search of the town.

Knowingly, a 48-year-old is described as about 170cm tall with shoulder-length hair. She was last seen wearing jeans, a blue striped top with a star in the middle, and light-colored boots. Julie’s brother has journeyed from Queensland to Streaky Bay to help with the search and concerns for her welfare grow. The police received a report that Julie may have been spotted hitchhiking in Streaky Bay however that has been discounted as a sighting.

Julie Missing Persons Streaky Bay
Julie has been missing in South Australia for days. (SA Police)

Superintendent Paul Bahr said that they are looking for anyone especially who was driving around or in or through the site on Sunday evening who may have dashcam footage. They claimed that they will be very keen to look at that footage. Multiple emergency crews have carried out extensive air and land searches around Streaky Bay and surrounding areas.

Julie Missing Persons Streaky Bay
Julie and her husband Clifford. (Supplied)

The search was called off late on Wednesday night and operated again at first light today morning. Todd told PKB News that the process is pretty tough to handle as the family is doing the best they can and trying to stay positive under heavy circumstances. The family claimed that Julie has never disappeared before without explanation. They prayed Julie to return from wherever she is.

Julie Missing Persons Streaky Bay
(SA Police)

A notice was passed that anyone can contact the police as they find or see the woman on the number 91XXXXXXXX. We request you all sign up below to receive our daily news and breaking news alerts. Do share this piece of information if you find this informative.

Thank you for being a patient reader. HAVE A NICE DAY!

Shreya Gupta

Contract Specialist with 3 years of experience in end-to-end Contract Lifecycle Management for clients with global and domestic operations.

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