Who is Tiktok’s Dr Roxy: Suspended For Livestreaming Surgeries On Tiktok Video

The biggest decision has been made, the State Medical Board of Ohio decided to permanently suspend Dr. Katharine Roxanne Grawe’s medical license. Following the broadcasting of certain patients’ operations, the Ohio State Medical Board decided to remove Katharine Roxanne Grawe’s medical license on Wednesday. Dr. Grawe is a plastic surgeon who rose to fame on TikTok by going by the handle “Dr. Roxy.” Dr. Grawe’s unethical activity of live-streaming surgical procedures on social media and the ensuing reported difficulties by certain patients led to this decision. Who is Tiktok’s Dr Roxy: Suspended For Livestreaming Surgeries On Tiktok Video:

Livestreaming Surgeries On Tiktok

Who is Tiktok’s Dr Roxy

Dr. Grawe was also fined $4,500 by the medical board for violating the required level of care after an investigation by the board. It was made known at the court that Dr. Grawe had previously received a warning on the need of safeguarding patient privacy on social networking sites. She still persisted in heeding these cautions and live-streamed many operations on TikTok, disclosing private medical data without acquiring the necessary authorization from her patients. This egregious invasion of patient privacy is a grave breach of medical ethics and shows a lack of professionalism on Dr. Grawe’s behalf.

Livestreaming Surgeries On Tiktok Video

The medical board also talked about how Dr. Grawe handled three unidentified patients who all complained of difficulties after their surgeries. The invasion of privacy was further made worse when a patient’s procedure was partially televised on social media. Vice-president of the medical board Dr. Jonathan B. Feibel raised alarm over the life-altering, reckless treatment given to these people by Dr. Grawe. Such careless behavior not only risks the health of patients but also erodes public confidence in the medical community as a whole.

Tiktok's Dr Roxy

The suspension of Dr. Grawe’s medical license creates an important precedent in the area of medicine and serves as a severe warning to medical personnel about the value of patient confidentiality and moral behavior. Dr. Grawe has failed to uphold the standards of care anticipated in the medical community by disobeying these principles.

The State Medical Board of Ohio’s decision to cancel Dr. Katharine Roxanne Grawe’s medical license as a result of her improper use of TikTok and breach of patient privacy emphasizes the significance of ethical behavior in the medical industry. It is the duty of medical practitioners to put patients’ safety, privacy, and confidence first. The credibility of the medical industry is compromised when social media platforms are used for entertainment or self-promotion at the expense of patient privacy and confidentiality. The highest ethical standards must be upheld by healthcare professionals in all aspects of their work. Keep up with pkb news.

Prakash Israni

Prakash Israni Is a 'self-proclaimed' professional in the ITES industry for 20 years, though prefer being tagged as a novice and a learner.

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