Joe Biden nearly fell while exiting Air Force One: what happened to him?

Satirically, Joe Biden nearly fell while exiting on the Air Force One which is just hours after his plans to avoid falls were revealed. You are required to read the article for more details and information about the same. Follow us around for all the insights and fresh updates.

Joe Biden nearly fell while exiting Air Force One

On Tuesday, President, Joe Biden. 80 slipped away and nearly fell down a 14-step staircase as he left the Air Force just hours after it was revealed that the commander-in-chief was working with a bodily therapist and utilizing shorter stairs to avoid extra journeys. The incident took place when Biden landed at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, the place he was greeted by United Auto Workers President, Shawn Fain, Michigan.

Joe Biden

Reportedly, the video clip was shared by radio journalist, Alex McLennon. Despite all, Biden regained his confidence and did not appear to get bothered by the same. However, the footage of the incident rapidly caught like wildfire over all the social media platforms. In the video, it was evident that Biden was seen balancing gracefully so as to avoid extra public spills as his staff worried about polls exhibiting that three-quarters of Americans assume he is outdated for a second time.

Additionally, the veteran politician was noticed choosing sneakers over slippery costume footwear and using the shortest staircase to assist him in attaining Air’s cockpit Force One. Nonetheless, it was revealed that critics were not impressed by Tuesday’s mishappening. Reportedly, the former chief nominations advisor, Mike Dewis stated that it is a terrible look for the president of the United States. One online comment said that you must install a chairlift for the head guy. Whereas, liberal influencer, Brian Krasenstein mocked the offenders and said that everyone, once in their life has experienced this and it is completely normal. He added that he never understood why people are triggering Biden as he is an old man and seemingly it could happen from time to time.

Furthermore, on Tuesday, the Axios report mentioned that Biden’s steadiness points are probably associated with arthritis in his backbone and foot. Moreover, his situation has been under scrutiny in recent months followed by a number of troubled incidents together with when he slipped and fell at the Air Force Academy in June. However, despite his obvious confidence, the president, in general, appeared confused at the strike assembly. Reportedly, after canceling his journey, Biden spent 12 minutes putting auto staff earlier than boarding Air Force once more about an hour later. Thank you for being a patient reader.

Shreya Gupta

Contract Specialist with 3 years of experience in end-to-end Contract Lifecycle Management for clients with global and domestic operations.

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