ICAI New Scheme Study Material: FAQs, Syllabus, Transition Plan For New Education

There is the biggest news in this article for all the CA aspirants. recently ICAI has released the biggest shocking news. They have announced the new CA education scheme. They have given the FAQs, syllabus, study material, and the new transition plan for the new education scheme. CA’s new education system is a complete game changer for all the students who are preparing for their CA exams. First of all, we know that a lot of people don’t know what is ICAI, So (ICAI) stands for “The Institue of Charted Accountants of India.” To know about the new CA education system, you have to scroll down to the next stanza of this informative article. So let’s continue.

ICAI New Scheme Study Material

ICAI New Scheme Study Material

Finally, the ICAI has given the new CA education system. The New education system is going to be very beneficial for all the CA aspirants. The Institute of Charted Accountants of India released the new CA education scheme plan on 1st July 2023, Saturday. The inauguration of this new CA scheme was done by the Honourable President of India, Droupadi Murmu. Now please check out the important dates for the application of the New scheme of CA education and training. Let’s have a look at the important dates in the next paragraph.

The last date for registration in intermediate and Final courses under the old scheme was 30th June 2023, The last date o the commencement of three years of practical training was also 30th June 2023. The last date for registration in Foundation under the old scheme was 1st July 2023, Date of commencement of registration and conversion in Intermediate and Final courses under the New scheme was also 1st July 2023. The date of commencement of registration and conversion in the Foundation course under the New Scheme is 2nd August 2023. The last Intermediate and final examination under the old scheme is in November 2023. The last foundation examination under the old scheme is in December 2023. The first Intermediate and final examination under New Scheme is in May 2024. The first foundation examination under the New scheme is in June 2024.

We have shared the most important dates in the last paragraph. Now we are going to tell you about the Transition of existing students. So just look at that, The final and inter-level students will appear in November 2023and the students who are unsuccessful in both groups will appear in May 2024. They are going to be under the New Education Scheme. All the new registration are going to happen under New Education Scheme from now.

Prakash Israni

Prakash Israni Is a 'self-proclaimed' professional in the ITES industry for 20 years, though prefer being tagged as a novice and a learner.

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