How To CTET Certificate Download From Digilocker? Step-By-Step Guide

It is not easy to get your desired job and for that, a person needs to study and work hard, and sometimes they also need to give an examination to get qualified for a job. In many fields, the different examination is held in order to get a job or admission to higher studies. The Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) is one such national-level examination conducted in India to determine the eligibility of candidates for appointment as teachers. This examination is held by the Central Board of Secondary Education and every year millions of candidates apply for this examination.

CTET Certificate Download Digilocker

CTET Certificate Download Digilocker

This test takes place two times a year and it is basically for teachers who want to teach in the Primary Section. For this examination, the aspirants study hard and it is not easy to crack this examination. There are two types of CTET exams include Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 examination is given by the candidates who are planning to teach from classes 1-5. Candidates who are planning to teach from classes 1 to 5 and the Paper 2 examination is given by those candidates who are planning to teach from classes 5-8.

CTET Certificate Download Digilocker

Candidates give this examination in an offline mode and it is held for 150 minutes. Those students who gave CTET examination last year are surely looking to know the results and all the candidates who have just qualified for the CTET examination have checked their results from the official website of the examination. The results of this examination are released on Now all qualified candidates can download CTET Marksheet 2023 through UMANG and Digilocker Application. CBSE declared the results of CTET 2023 on Monday, 3rd March 2023.

With the help of the Digilocker application, aspirants can easily download their final CTET scorecard and Marksheet. In the next paragraph, we are sharing the steps through which the candidates can download their mark sheets. This year, around 21 lakh candidates participated in the examination and only 9.5 lakh candidates get passed. The validity of the certificate of this test conducted by the CBSE board has been kept at 7 years. . As per the reports, around 579844 candidates qualified in CTET Paper 1, and in CTET Paper 2 around 376025 qualified.

How To Download CTET Certificate/Marksheet 2023 With Applications

In order to download CTET Marksheet 2023 candidates have to log in to the CTET website which is and provide their roll numbers. Around 32.45 lakh students appeared in the examination which was conducted in CBT mode from the month of February 28th to 7th February 2023.

CTET Certificate Download Digilocker

Most of the candidates are using Digilocker in order to get the mark sheet in the form of hardcopy but there are many people who don’t know about it. Digilocker Application & Website is one such platform issued by the Government of India. Through this app, the candidate can download documents related to education and other documents of government. The official website of Digilocker is, With the help of it, the candidate can easily download their results.

CBSE will send the DigiLocker username to all the candidates via SMS on their mobile numbers which they registered at the time of applying. Candidates need to log in to the DigiLocker account using the username along with the password in order to download the results. The process of downloading the examination are mentioned below.

Steps Need To Follow In Order To Take Out The Result

  • Step 1:- First thing a candidate needs to do is open the Official Website and Offical Application which are easily available on Google Play Store
  • Step 2:- Now the next step is to go to the Sign In option
  • Step 3:- Now those candidates who don’t have an account, then go to the sign sub-option after that fill in the details and click on the submit option. After creating an account, the candidate can log in with the Sign In option.
  • Step 4:- After signing in, choose and open the Central Board of Secondary Education from here.
  • Step 5:- After appearing on this page, the candidate needs to search options for the CTET certificate and CTET mark sheet which the candidate selects and open
  • Step 6:- After following all the steps mentioned above, the candidate downloads the Marksheet & Certificate

UMANG Application

Above we shared the steps for downloading certificates from Digilocker and now we are sharing the details of other applications from where the candidate can download CTET Certificate & Marksheet and that is UMANG. Just like Digilocker, this application is also operated by the government. From inside this, the qualified candidate can go to Dialocker and other applications, he will be able to do all the options inside it. The official website is 

Analysis Of Pass Percentage

The Results of CTET Result 2023 have been declared for 32.3 laid candidates who have appeared in the examination. The details related to the qualified and appeared candidates will be issued in due course.

CTET 2022RegisteredAppearedQualified
Paper I17042821422959579844
Paper II15384641276071376025
CTET 2021RegisteredAppearedQualified
Paper I18,92,27614,95,5114,45,467
Paper II16,62,8861 2,78,1652,20,069

Sarika Das

Copywriting, Content Strategy, Ghostwriting, Editing, Blogging, Public Speaking, Email Marketing, Technical Writing, Writing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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