Big Brother Canada Spoilers Hoh Winner For Week 5 HOH Results

Lots of speculations are being made about the winner of the HOH competition in Big Brother Canada 11. If you are also eager to know who win the HOH competition in BBCAN11, then this is the right place where you will get to know who won the first-ever endurance competition of the season this week. You are just required to read this article till the end to get all the spoilers from Big Brother Canada 11. We have also discussed which housemate was nominated after the endurance competition in the show. So be sticky with this page and read it till the end. Kindly drag down the page and take a look below for more details.

Big Brother Canada 11 Spoilers Who won the First HoH

Big Brother Canada Spoilers Hoh Winner

HOH competition was to hold the bar as long as possible. The housemate will hold the bar longest, he will be the winner of the competition and will be appointed the head of the household and also get a chance to nominate a housemate. So it was very important for all the housemates to participate in this task and won the competition but it needs high endurance with a slimmer body which is apparently least in housemates like Jonathan, Hope, Renee, and Daniel while the best contenders to win the HOH competition were Anika, Kuzie, Ty, Claudia, Shanaya, and Santina. Scroll down the page and read who won the competition.

Big Brother Canada 11 Spoilers Who won the First HoH

Ty was taking it for pride and control purposes, thus Ty went to try to hold the bar as long as possible while Renee and Santina wanted to win this competition as most of the housemates want to target them and nominate them. Thus, it was almost certain that if neither Renee nor Santina won the competition, then one of the two would definitely be nominated this week. Unfortunately, neither of them managed to win power. Scroll down the page and learn who won the power of HOH.

Big Brother Canada 11 Spoilers Who won the First HoH

The winner of HOH in Week 5 of Big Brother Canada 11 is Ty. Yes, Ty manages to hold the bar for the longest. Now its time for the nomination and it is almost certain that Ty will nominate Santina but it is still yet to be determined who else will go on the Block as it could also be Renee and we will not be surprised if it will be either Jonathan or Hope. Stay tuned to this website for more details and updates.

Amzad Khan

Content writer with more than 12+ years of experience in SEO writing, blog writing, and copywriting

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