Australian Idol 2023 Winner, Runner-up Name, Prize Money

Australian Idol is one of the most popular singing show in Australia. Season 8 started and reached to finals.  You will get complete details about Australian Idol 2023 in this article. Keep reading for more details. 

Australian Idol 2023 Winner

Australian Idol Season 8 2023 Winner

Australian Idol Season 8 Started on 30th January 2023. After the audition, the Top 50 were selected. They were further coming. At the last, we are left with our Top 3 from which one will become the winner and receive the Australian Idol trophy and prize money of $100,000. The best part is that they will also get a record deal with Sony Music. The show’s concept is simple. All the talented singers come from different areas of the country. After the audition round, the selected people compete till the end. Based on audience votes and judges’ scores.

Sr No.Contestant NameAgeHometownStatusPrize Money
1Royston Sagigi-Baira23Far North QueenslandWinner 🏆$100,000
2Phoebe Stewart15Busselton, Western AustraliaRunner-upN/A
3Josh Hannan20Mount Evelyn, Victoria3rd PlaceN/A

Australian Idol 2023 runner Ups:

Australian Idol season 8 brings unique and talented singers onto the platform. In the last, only three top finalists were left. Let us see the results. Jsh Hannan 20 years scored third position in the idol. He belongs to Mount Evelyn, Victoria. He posts on his Instagram account about his performances on the munch. He has 14.8 k followers. You can also follow him on Instagram @joshhannanmusic

The runner-up contestant who was very close to winning was Phoebe Stewart. She is 15 years old and belongs to Busselton, Western Australia. She is also active on her Instagram account and keeps posting daily updates about her performances. She has 11.9k followers on Instagram. You can also follow her on Instagram @phoeba__stewart. She has also mentioned the same in her bio. Let us now talk about the one who everyone wants to listen to. The season 8 winner, Royston Sagigi-Baira.

Australian Idol 2023 Winner:

Australian Idol 2023 winner is Royston Sagigi-Baira from Far North, Queensland. He is just 24 years old and very talented. As a winner of Australian Idol 2023, he got a chance to record with Sony Music. He also received a monetary prize, of $100000 and the winner’s trophy. Fans are happy for him. He is posting regularly on Instagram. He has 14k followers on the platform. You can also follow him on Instagram @roystonnoell. He also has Instagram verified badge against his profile.


Australian Idol has been one of the most demanding shows in Australian singing. The best thing is that the winner directly got a chance to record with sony music. It is a good start for a fresh singer to enter the industry. This was all about Australian Idol Season 8. We keep bringing such updates to our website.

Garima Saini

I am a writer, editor, blogger, and marketing communications professional specializing in News

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